Saturday, January 31, 2009

Architectural Details # 13

Cook Theater
Also known as Orpheum
Okmulgee, Oklahoma
Steeped in History
Still Open...
Day 34

Friday, January 30, 2009

Glass or Ice, My New Theme # 001

Glass or Ice, take a guess!
Day 366

Nostalgia # 200

Explore Main Street America

Shadows # 279

After the Ice Storm the Sun came out
Day 32

Home Is Where The Heart Is # 151

Cozy and hidden, I really miss
it when I've been gone.
Day 31

Clocks # 53

Henri Dupont Paris
Day 30

Works Of Art # 364

Woodward Park, Tulsa Ok. I took a photo of this
scene and then painted it.
Day 29

Past It's Prime # 227

It may be past it's prime, but it still works.
Day 28

Perfect Alignment # 231

I bought this old baby quilt in a resale shop. For you quilter's, you know how hard this is.
Day 27

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter # 363

Winter Sleet Today....

Waters Edge # 354

Winter Lake
Day 24

Repeating Pattern # 259

Day 23

Smooth # 290

Fresh & Smooth
Day 22

How About This Weather? # 153

Pine & Ice
Day 21

Sign, Sign, Everywhere Signs # 282

Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind,
Do this, dont do that till you read the sign!
Day 20

Reflections # 256

Clouds Reflecting
Edit PS Elements
Day 19

Snow or Ice # 292

Looks like snow, falls like snow, sounds like Ice!
Day 18

Baby Its Cold Outside # 18

Today's High 20*

Day 17